Can I Talk Now?
Can I Talk Now?
Yana K. Shares Details of Her Bout With Ovarian Cancer
Yana K. Moved from Russia to Los Angeles to enjoy the beach, sand and sun. Her journey in LA had an unexpected turn. When she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. She shares her story what it was like to go through the process being so far away from home and how her friends stood by her side. Yana gives advice and tips to young women how to recognize signs. She's also sharing some programs to help those in financial need. To the women at home who might be listening... urging them to listen to their bodies, and to get checked out early and often -- because detecting this disease as soon as possible is really half the battle.
Yana K.
Instagram: @yana_killapop
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"Can I talk now is an uncensored platform for others to tell their stories. Can I talk Now does not endorse or any of the interviewers beliefs or values"
I'm your host Nicholas Ballard and this is the podcast.
Can I talk now?
I got a special guest released today.
You might wanna sync through all the way to the end of this podcast, 'cause the guests I'm bringing up is gonna tell you her personal story, her journey from Russia to Los Angeles and.
The things that she has overcame this is going to be a really good interview.
I would like to introduce you to my guests.
I known this lady for about 7 years now due to Yana.
Nick how are you?
Good, what's up you look nervous, don't don't no, it's it's fine.
I am very impressed.
My palms are sweating.
Don't be nervous don't be nervous it's only me you know me for years so don't be nervous.
Actually yeah you.
You are one of the first person I met here seven years ago.
You absolutely right you, you're counting good.
Yeah, I I made.
So in Hollywood Blvd on there forget you were working at the kiosk.
**** yes.
Just kiosk on the Hollywood Blvd.
Yeah, like right on the street.
And you didn't know English that well, and it's your English.
What do you mean I it was, I was always good.
Wasn't that good?
No, your English.
I don't know what you're talking about.
Your English was very, very hard to understand.
'cause I remember you were.
How come you stick around then?
I remember you like, didn't know some of the words that I was saying now your English is very good.
Those classes paid off.
Got it, yeah, you helped me a lot.
I I remem.
Every time I'm like, what does this?
Mean this word?
What does this word mean?
Yeah, and I'm like it means this.
It means that.
So I grew up so well with my English so great right now.
So you even invited me on your Pokémon.
Yes, that must mean your English is really good.
Wolf OK.
If I brought you on my podcast.
So people will understand me.
But I hope they understand you.
If not, then we got to do the Russian addition, your journey to Los Angeles.
It started seven years ago, how many years ago?
Seven years ago.
Seven see, I know I remembered seven years ago, you came from Russia.
To Los Angeles, pursue your dream.
What was your dream that you were trying to pursue when you came here?
Good question.
I actually did not have a dream.
I am so proud of those people who are saying I came to Los Angeles to pursue my dream to become this and that person or achieved this in that career.
I did not have that dream.
My dream was just to live, be able to live and work at the.
Place where it's always sunny.
Where is the ocean closed and I can wake up every morning looking at the window and see that.
Close by.
There is a sun and I can get up not being lazy and just smile and enjoy it to start my day.
Whatever I'm doing that was my dream purpose and the first goal.
Let's talk about your journey not only to moving to Los Angeles, but you had probably one of the biggest roads that any person.
Could face with dealing with cancer.
We all deal with knowing someone that has cancer.
My brother actually had cancer.
I'm sure most of the listeners.
They know someone that has or had cancer.
Let's dive deep and get to your.
I would not say struggle.
Your strength and willpower in overcoming it.
O how old were you when you got died?
Let's do that.
He knows.
So am I was 28 years.
20 years old. It was in 2018.
Uhm, I got my diagnosis in 2018, but the previous kind of little signs were in 2017.
Like those signs that you had, was it something that you felt or was it from a previous checkup?
How did you know that you're being diagnosed with ovarian cancer?
Mean it's to be honest.
I am very positive person, you know you know me and I never really.
Huh, yeah yes.
Paid serious attention on little kind of alone.
So I was working a lot. I was paying for health insurance and then one day you know it was 2017 summer and then one day I was like Oh my God why do I pay for insurance I? I mean I need to go at least you know you like use my money. No nothing. Was Barry bothering me huh?
Yeah, get your checkups.
Huh, yeah.
And I found a doctor and I went to just for regular checkup, and this this doctor, UM, this doctor checked me up and him and his mum, who who they they actually working together, she.
Kind of scared me a lot and she said oh you have to like you have to remove what you have out there and I was.
I was shocked.
So this was this was just a basic checkup.
This was a basic checkup too.
And it turns out there be something more.
Yeah, I mean it didn't at that at that time.
It didn't turn out to be a cancer, but it.
Yes they.
That's a that's a lot of whole big huge story behind it.
So that was so.
Your first checkup, they notice something, so you had to go in for a second checkup.
When did you know that you had?
Cancer well after that first checkup it forced me to do an urgent surgery.
Wow, an urgent surgery just.
Uh, just because there was a as they said it was a cyst and they removed it and I was so afraid and I didn't have a family and you know nobody who really dealt with that.
So I kind of listened to doctors as we all know they know better.
And yeah, we I had that surgery.
And after that, uh, they called me back and they said that tissue, the tissue they sent out to one of the hospital for pathology here in Los Angeles, it came back as a cancer pathology.
And when I saw them again.
I asked them is that a pathology or it's confirmed stage or something of the peace you guys removed?
There are stages and they're also the areas, so it's.
Would you?
Say your stage was numberwise.
Uh, finalized after three opinions from three different hospital, it was stage 3C, borderline with stage four, so I've been given six months to leave because it was a very rare type of cancer. Neither doctors in United States or Russia.
Or Israel knew how to treat it or deal with that.
Everybody were really confused.
That's why they decided.
To everywhere actually each country, it's three of those countries.
They decided to go with just a traditional way of chemotherapy just to treat it like as if it could be a breast cancer or any other type of cancer, because it was.
It was rare they didn't know what to do.
It's a lot to take on by yourself with your family members away, another country.
What was going through your mind when they told you this?
You know what's crazy at that time? I was 28.
And that was my first time when I brought my father here for my birthday and I planned all the trip going to Vegas, Hawaii everywhere.
I'm like.
Oh my father is here and I ended up on my birthday at the doctor's office and exactly.
On my birthday, April 3rd, 2018, I was told officially that.
Yana you have rare type of cancer stage 3C and we don't know how to treat it, so we kind of given you six months.
What was going through your head when they told you?
This I was shocked.
I was looking at my father because they called the translator so that got.
Uh huh.
Damn translator was telling.
My father, everything and I was like no.
Don't do this.
Because I'm, I'm that kind of person who is always protecting my closed ones from from harsh truth.
You know, I didn't know what I'm going to do.
But I did not want them to know about what's happening.
But he did now sell.
Well yeah, I mean he was just sitting there.
You know with his eyes like whoa.
And I'm sitting there looking at the doctor and I just asked her, OK? I mean, she says I have cancer and then I asked her what stage that's what she said. Stage 3C. And then I asked her to be honest.
How soon do we need to do the treatment?
Because my father is here visiting so and I have old troubles.
Old travel still already planned.
Already planned.
Yeah, like how fast is how fast it is gonna be.
Yeah, that was.
Yeah, yeah.
'cause I need to go take.
My dad to Vegas because you know, like she said, she said kinda six months and I'm like how much time do I have?
That's it.
Yeah, you're like OK.
I got six months, yeah.
Like I got six months, my dad share.
OK, nice of you always putting family.
I am too positive you.
Know but you weren't scared at all.
I was I got scared when.
When she told you you have six months, you weren't scared.
I I did not process that information at at that moment I I started getting scared when situation was getting serious like when I had.
A minute with my son.
A minute with.
Self at night.
You know, sitting on my bed and having insomnia trying to understand what I'm going to do because I realized that it's going to be quite a journey and and I I knew I I was not thinking about how it's going to end.
I was thinking about the whole journey.
I was thinking how I'm gonna work.
I'm going to support myself.
I'm going to support my family was scaring me the most.
O after you had this surgery, did they place you in a hospital right then and there?
Or you were able to go home?
Well I had in total 5 surgeries.
And I wasn't really admitted to hospital because each surgery I was coming to was just happening in the same day I was.
I've been, I was I was sent home every time.
Oh, OK.
Same situation was happening with the chemotherapies.
I was just coming for the whole day.
There they were knocking me out with those Benadryl and all those crazy drugs.
Uhm, how did your body handle the the chemo?
I know you lost your hair.
Yeah, I never thought that.
I'm happy that I have such a good scope my hair.
I mean, it's it's actually a compliment.
What's up?
What I'm going to say right now, but when I left my here I was still rocking it and I was putting the leather jacket on even though I barely could walk.
Uh huh.
I was so weak but still I was like I need to go out.
I need to just walk.
And I was always putting my leather jacket on.
Put in some little makeup because you know you don't have facial hair, so you need to.
I'm a girl and I needed to deal with that, so every time I was going out, people been telling me, Oh my God, are you Amber Rose?
You look so you look so familiar and it's actually a compliment because you know I'm blonde people were.
Yeah, weird.
Telling me that I looked like her and it was it was nice, uplifting compliments.
So you didn't?
Yeah, that's a good compliment.
I saw some of your photos in Instagram.
You bought some wigs.
I did, I did well.
Why is that?
If you'd like to, if you'd like the bald, Amber Rose look.
Man, I'm a girl, you know no actually.
I did buy because I saw those uhm, looks I've been receiving from people and.
Like the sick.
I'm like, oh I'm sorry and me being strong always I just.
I don't want people.
Oh I'm sorry oh oh OK and just I.
I hate being weak I just don't like it.
Yeah, that's why that's why I just.
I for me was very embarrassing to not to just being bold for me was embarrassing too.
Have those looks or ask for help or if I was tired too.
Ask you know, for for like a seat on the bench or some though I I was going to farmers market every Sunday and I was carrying those bags myself.
Which you aren't.
But you were allowed to be out.
Did the doctor recommend you to speak your immune system?
Was was weaker?
Yes, but you were still going out, risking even more sick.
I I knew I'm not going to die.
You knew that you had to.
You had the will.
The will to live.
I knew it because my story on this planet wasn't finished yet.
I knew it's not a time.
Him I have purpose on this planet so it was it just the whole that all.
That story was heartbreaking for everybody.
I mean, I'm just I'm making fun or fun right now and I'm laughing with you, but of course it was.
It was hard, it was.
It was, I was crying all day everyday.
But I just knew if I'm gonna break my spirit I won't be able to help anybody.
I won't be able to support my family, even just not financially.
But if I'm gonna break my spirit or if I'm going to die and my mom is going to be far away, it's not going to help anybody.
Me too.
So I knew I have to be strong.
Yeah, how did?
How did that work with your parents being so far away and not having a strong support system?
Did your friends that you thought that were friends let you down, or did they come through in the clutch?
Or did you find a new support group to lean towards?
Interesting question.
Thank you, especially interesting question for Ali, isn't it?
Exactly, yes.
Yeah, yeah, you know.
It turned out that I'm pretty good at choosing prints, or they're pretty good at choosing me.
That's good.
I don't know.
But yeah, yeah, I'm I'm blessed.
Ah yeah.
So your friends came through.
I'm I'm blessed my my friends, my girls.
They just never left me alone my best friend she's she's like my sister she handled everything she handled she forced me.
To agree, not just to do just just to agree on opening the Go Fund.
When my funds my savings ran when I ran out of everything, it was too much.
I mean I still I had an insurance but it was.
It was just too much for me because I had to stop work.
And yeah, like going back to friends.
And in a circle I did not regret of anybody I knew and it just brought me even closer to people I.
I was surrounding myself with like I am so grateful.
I'm blessed.
Plus that shows you, especially you know, living in Los Angeles.
I'm blessed.
It shows you who's your real friends and who's not in tough situations.
It shows you you know.
And it's even, you know, tough or not.
Either you having fun or having a tough situation.
Meeting good friends and real true real people, not just in LA.
Everywhere in the world.
Where you actually need to survive, you know when to fight for your beautiful, good life.
And you wish but especially once you get an older.
It's not like in high school, right?
Me too.
Or elementary school especially.
Oh my God, Mama, she's my friend.
Yeah, like it's you get an older it's tough yeah.
So having having people when you when you're around 30 or 40 or even 50 it doesn't matter if you're an immigrant or even.
It doesn't stop.
If you're just coming from a different city to a new LA is for tough cookies. Can't be weak here.
Yeah, that's why you rocked the ball here.
And you know, yeah.
Like Burrows, she's my role model.
Was there a support group that you were part of in the Hospice?
What's this?
I was I joined up.
I joined the kind of cancer community group they were doing.
No, it was like an AA meeting even though I've never been to one.
But I I saw it on TV.
It's like, hello, my name is Yana.
I am dealing with this and that and every week we were telling each other.
What's happening what's new?
First first two meetings just drove me crazy.
Really, why's that?
I don't know people, you know.
I was just coming there and.
Bringing everybody healthy juices and I was telling them.
Me too.
Yo look see how how I'm feeling blah blah blah not to brag about but just to cheer them up.
Yeah, they lift their spirits, yeah?
Cheer them up and show them that I was on the wheelchair two days ago after the chemotherapy and now I'm jumping around.
You guys please like let me help you and people were just so done.
Let me.
Me too.
They were, I understand.
I'm not blaming anybody, but I just wanted to help a lot and I'm I'm hoping everybody are great out there from.
My group, but the biggest support and feedback I got it was from social media, especially Instagram.
When I started sharing all my journey, even those silly videos.
Sometimes you're thinking oh nobody needs to see those silly videos.
How you go into the market or whatever.
But turned out if people were really interested and turned out I helped a few people.
You know verbally or with with some of my acts.
You know?
Uhm, and with some of them I'm still in touch.
One girl who were really close with she had the same diagnosis as I do.
I prefer to say I did.
She she's from Florida and she went through the same diagnosis.
She got better.
She wasn't into fitness one also vegan and then in four years she like her cancer, got relapsed and.
Like four months ago, she died.
From the same cancer you had.
Yeah, so supportive group was different.
Some some of people were from Russia, Ukraine, Israel, Canada.
The majority of them passed away.
Umm I am not really close with a lot of.
But the people that had cancer then most of them passed away in that group.
I know, I know, for a fact about three people.
Yahoo passed away, rest in peace, their souls.
Were they older or younger?
Uh, this girl from Florida was exactly the same age as I was.
I am, I'm
Millimeter my English when I'm nervous my English.
Uhm yeah she is great.
She actually left a lot of information on her.
She actually wrote a book and she told me before she passed away.
She told me.
Uh, that I need to write a book because.
Yeah, every time I was talking to her she was telling me I am American.
My English is good and I was born in.
Year and the fact that I got cancer, it just, you know, it's just American food and she told me, but you grew up in Russia so you need to tell the story from both sides of that coin.
Russian thing like the Russian impact and American impact.
And I'm like, whoa.
So then I will be actually living.
Where in Indonesia?
Was there something that she said or?
Someone else that sticks out in your mind that was meaningful.
Yeah, my nurse, UM meaningful.
They're actually two minute, one minute full and one minute less.
Uh huh.
OK, let's hear.
Spill the beans, yeah?
It's it's like it's like Nick.
I have two news, good and bad.
Yeah, yeah, well let's start.
Which one you want me to start with?
Let's start with the bad.
Let's get the dad out the way.
Uhm, when I started doing the research on the different trials and in ways of treatments around chemo and surgeries, I asked my doctor.
Maybe we can try a tear targeting meth.
Maybe we can.
That which is just starting.
But why don't we do a trial?
I'm willing to sign papers.
And my doctor told me we are here serving burgers.
If you want fried chicken or French fries, you are more than welcome to go somewhere else where they serve in fried fried chicken.
And I was like oof, that's why that's why that's why I, that's when I realized I am.
I gonna do something out of the way they want to treat me, but.
My life is actually in my hands because I don't want fried chicken or burger I I want a wheat grass shot.
You know, that's why I decided to take it in my hands and meaningful.
It's it's simple as it is it actually this advice can help anybody.
Not who is going through illness.
Whoever going through.
So 2020 Pandemic losing a job, losing the loved one, breaking up, losing a friend. It doesn't matter. This advice helps me every single day. Up until today I wake up and I'm telling myself one day at the time.
Oh yeah.
That that's kind of what I do.
One day at a time.
'cause life is not promised or guaranteed anymore, only death dies.
That's good advice, but most people you know.
Most people are too hungry too.
And it's good good to be hungry.
I also want to be successful.
You want to be successful right as well.
But that's right.
So I have this podcast.
Yeah yeah, yeah.
I'm just kidding.
Yeah, don't talk should have on my podcast.
No, you didn't.
Oh yeah.
You're doing this now for money.
In there, I know I'm just.
I know that first, yes.
You know we all have trials and tribulations in life.
We all have our own journey.
I just think that my friends and not even my friends, people that are listening this.
I just feel like their stories need to be told why their people want to listen.
Or not.
I'm very touched I.
I'm touched that you invited me.
Yeah, I'm glad to have you.
'cause as I mentioned earlier before we started recording that.
My brother he had cancer and we went through the whole cancer process.
Cancer affects us all in one way or another.
You know what I realized after that experience with cancer and and it's still you know, how do you call it in English?
Help me again.
Like 7 years ago ghosts following me kind of thing that's here like basically.
What spirits?
Yeah, now I'm saying.
I feel like we're playing charades.
This isn't straight.
There's a podcast well.
I know, so I'm saying OK, let me come.
So my cancer is still not over, but the yeah I don't like to pronounce that word because, but basically sometimes I'm thinking that oh, it's not over.
Oh, you're in remission.
I always can come back.
But what I've learned because you mentioned that what I've learned that cancer of our loved ones.
Is actually touching everybody and what I've learned to be honest with you, it touched way way more than my friends and my family.
Then it touched me, my friends and my family were crying when I was not looking.
But I know for a fact.
They were terrified.
It is terrifying.
I mean yeah.
So yeah, I know I know that to to those who who going through with their families or friends the most important is just just to smile, smile every day one day that.
One day, yeah, how often do you go for checkups now?
As of now, it's been 2 1/2 years. I don't have cancer anymore and I am going right now every six months to do my.
Blood tests.
And every year, as of now for CT scan.
Did you change your eating ritual?
Do you not eat meat anymore?
Ever since this this experience, what's your eating habits like?
That's that's a really good question.
I really wanted to talk about it.
Because those people who were following me and who's still following me.
I was pushing through.
I was telling everybody in order to heal yourself from any disease, and that's true.
I'm not taking my words back.
We need to eat clean vegan, mostly raw juices, and I believe that really helped me recently.
Like I want to be completely honest.
Be honest, this you gotta be honest.
It was, yeah.
Be honest.
Now come on.
Uhm, I would say a year ago I started because of my.
Because of my past relationship, I've started trying here and there a little bit of meat fish.
And I I kind of liked it, but I was feeling myself like I felt guilty that I'm telling people that I'm still vegan.
But I'm taking that little bite here and there.
And then I just realized I'm going to to open up and show people that yes, I am eating meat right now I am.
Eating fish right now I am eating bread, right?
Now, but it has to be good quality, so I am not overeating.
I still do not have an obesity even though there is nothing bad about it.
But I just I keep my cravings very under control.
Sometimes I'm a human, sometimes I want to go there even when I was going through cancer.
I wanted to go there and just buy a chocolate or that huge pizza.
Three people for like 4 people.
Cheese so it can melt on my face.
Yes, I want that Coca Cola in the glass.
In the glass, not the bottle under glass.
Yeah, in the glass the real one and the two pins over ice cream, lavender and honey from salt and straw.
Guys please email me for them for my bank account information.
And yes, I am a human being.
Do you still drink your juices?
I do have those cravings.
I am still drinking my juice is you can check my rate right now I am.
He did.
Yes, I'm very annoying.
Every month I'm still doing basically every month three days detox.
I'm on juices and and I but I am eating meat right now.
And I'm eating fish.
I am having a glass of wine here and there.
Sometimes at the dinner because.
Yes, whoever is very strict with the diet always gonna overlaps always gonna either lie to everybody or to themselves.
I prefer to cheat and drink the glass of wine or eat slice of pizza instead of lying to myself, because if I'm gonna lie to myself I'm I will deal with the consequences.
So don't eat that pizza.
And it's not my apps, not their consequences.
I'm talking about health.
And then during this whole process, obviously how much weight did you lose Thorne to chemo?
And I know I shouldn't ask you this, but find out.
Uhm, 26 pounds.
26 pounds.
Yeah, and I'm 51.
Very fragile when you were little lost at 26 pounds.
I was.
To be honest with you, I actually really liked the way I felt and looked because I I felt I did not.
I was a little bit chubby before again.
For for like the way I felt so when I lost that weight, I actually I did not have problems with sleeping, you know, and we're waking up.
I wasn't lazy even though I was going through surgery schemas.
Did the chemo make you throw up?
Good question.
No, I wasn't one of those, but I ended up on the wheelchair after 4th chemo because, uhm, I have a very very weak legs, I would say.
Me too.
They call it.
Chicken legs.
Yo your.
Yeah, you know, after after you said chicken legs, I remember that Lady of yeah Remember Remember that fashion show when lady put the high heels and she couldn't walk.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, they they meet like that.
That's not that.
That's that's how I followed myself right now.
Yeah, I'm just I'm just.
Thanks, thanks mate.
I'm just kidding.
It's good.
It's good that was right inside.
Oh yeah.
Yeah, I mean I already forgot it was talking about, but yeah.
You said your legs wheelchair you were you were weak.
Yeah, so I was I was weak.
I couldn't really.
Walk and unpleasant.
But it wasn't from the chemo, was it?
It was yeah, chemo.
It was he.
Well what is chemo?
Let's just think about it.
Chemo meant chemo being designed for people and I'm I'm sorry guys, I'm not.
I don't have pH D.
I'm not a doctor or nurse but it's a well known fact.
Chemo, being designed to burn the whole forest, whatever.
It's a good way of putting it.
Whatever strong little seed or little animal gonna be out there, I'm just talking about body as a as a forest, right?
Yeah, yeah.
Whatever, strong little thing is gonna be out there.
Who will survive that's gonna survive but chemo.
Does not see bad uhm cancer cells or white blood cells.
Which are which? Is your immune system and fighting cancer cells right? So chemo is burn it at all? That's that's it. That's truth about chemo. So I run away from my. I was I was supposed to do 12. I run away from my 61.
That's a good way of putting it.
By that I'd use op.
I couldn't walk.
I couldn't walk.
I was.
I was crawling when I was on my fifth came home.
I thought with I I I thought with all the Russian, Ukrainian and Georgian governments for my mom to bring my mom here because I needed my mom, my best friends.
Mom was she was always with me.
She was sleeping on my couch, my my, my friends were sleeping.
Everywhere they could, possibly, but I needed my mom because I I felt like I'm about maybe I'm going to die soon.
You know, I wanted to say say important words, yeah and yeah.
And when I brought my mum here it was.
She was here with me on my for my 5th chemo and my 6.
Chemo to be exact and after six chemo when I I don't remember.
You know, after 10 hours of chemo.
When you coming home the next day, you feel like you were bar hopping.
You for two nights and days straight and you blacked out.
Me too.
You don't remember anything.
That's how drugs are affecting you.
Plus on top of it I couldn't walk.
The only one way I could walk it still there.
My tip toes Oh my God, and that's that's why I realized that I want I want to stop chemotherapy because it was.
It was too much.
But did your doctor say?
Oh, it's up to you.
I mean you had *** He had six more.
It's up to you.
You're gonna die.
He said that.
Yeah, but I had six months.
But listen, I was diagnosed on my birthday right?
So April May June, July August end of August.
Is that?
I had my UM 6 chemo so it was already five months and I.
Realized that what's?
Killing me, it's chemo.
I am not telling anybody to stop, I'm just sharing my own experience.
That was killing me.
I was not seeing the world.
I was not seeing the light.
I could not do it to anybody who loved me.
I knew.
I never felt listen how it started.
I never felt weak and never felt sick.
Just fell to a place where I just got diagnosed and I and being in hurry I just have to I had to do the treatments but I never felt we were sick so when I signed for it I realized that I'm just killing myself.
With my own signature, I did not want it.
What did your mom say when you told her you didn't?
Well my mom when I did not want to do it in general from the day one my mom was crying and begging me to do that to do so.
And that's probably one of the reason why I started chemo.
Does cancer run in your family?
Good question.
Now I did the genetic test at UCLA by the way, I love you silly so much.
I think that's the best clinic in Los Angeles.
It's just, they're they're just so great they're they're great.
So yeah, I would.
I did the genetic tests and I do not have any.
Any jeans running which could cause cancer.
Resting damn.
Yeah, let's talk about something more funny.
What advice can?
You give our listeners someone who is going through cancer.
Or someone who's not aware about the symptoms of ovarian cancer.
They catch it at early stage.
Come my advice honestly too young girls because I'm pretty sure there are a lot of hidden hidden points and aspect on my diagnosis which I'm still investigating pretty much.
But my advice always pay attention on how you feel your.
Uhm, not what doctors are saying.
And if you do have come, if you do have to go to a doctor and if you do have something being told, such as an alert, always double, triple check it.
Never believe the first opinion.
Listen to yourself first.
Your opinion is the 1st 134 doctors opinions and then make your decision what you're going to.
To I think I've done my decision very, very fast, so don't ever do that.
And if you're already in the situation that you're going anywhere, anybody going through treatment?
My advice?
Find as much information about your particular diagnosis.
As much as you can, that will help you to understand what you're dealing with.
Those doctors have a lot of patients.
They're very busy, especially right now.
It's pandemic.
Are there any programs you could share with others that could help them financially 'cause you, being you know not a U.S. citizen? You had to find different outlets on how to pay for your treatment programs that you can share and let people know.
Definitely yes, you're good host, by the way, you're talking about serious questions to help people come.
Do it.
First of all, don't be the huge, huge advice to people who are going through any difficult.
Please don't be embarrassed of asking for help, neither advice or financial.
It doesn't matter.
It's either illness or.
Just difficulties just ask for help.
What my good friend once told me you just ask what's the worst thing going to happen?
They're just going to say no, that's it.
But there are any programs that helped you.
So yeah, so uhm.
So my best friend she opened go fund me.
Yeah, I remember you said that.
That's where that's where everybody widely learned that I'm going through the situation.
And this first one, and I really, really, really say thank you enough to everybody who participated. It was so many beautiful stories, but it just may be another hour, yeah, but I really appreciate everybody's help. And on the other node, what I was looking for a week. You know, it's crazy, actually.
It turned out that we use are so expensive.
You know my.
My first week was from the Hollywood Blvd stores.
Or store so it was 25 bucks but everybody but but but but everybody thought that I'm homeless, yeah.
That's not a real one.
So I kinda had to look, you know, presentable because I came back to work come after my 5th chemo.
Because I had to work, so I couldn't go with that 25 bucks, you know, alvira yeah week. So I went to this shop and I turned and I learned that the week was being trimmed and looking like I want.
And turned out to be like $33,000. I think that's crazy.
Wow, yeah.
And then when I already purchased that one lady from that shop, told me that there is a program it calls Mary Claire.
OK Mary Claire.
This brought this program is this program belongs to cancer Tower at Cedar Sinai?
And there's a website you can.
You can.
Fill up the application and they just to tell you a story and.
They they they're they're picking up the winners. What I did, also speaking, going back to the conversation and saying what I mentioned, never embarrassed to ask for help. What I did because of my go fund I I was able to afford that week for $3000 and when I was.
Already feeling OK.
I had some Peach pause there.
I realized that one of the lady who I was talking to in Canada, her cancer got back and she had to go through chemo again and they already ran out of all funds they could possibly find and I sent her my week.
So what I'm saying, don't be afraid to seek for help.
That's it.
Trust me, there are way more.
Many people you think who wants to help just don't.
Don't be embarrassed to text the person who you think.
Is going through the same thing or just ask for advice?
Even if it's psychologist or therapist or a person who is just individually going through the same thing, just ask.
Doesn't hurt to ask the money that you got from your go fund.
Was it enough to pay for your bills?
No, but I I. I appreciate every penny and I will never be able to thank those people enough, but it. But it was. I mean all the emo surgeries it was. It was around two and a half $1,000,000 altogether.
Uh huh.
Of course, some part children paid, but you can count the deduction you.
Can count the deduction.
Man, you gotta love those doctor bills song.
I know when I was working at the immigration office, my boss told me it's very expensive in this country to get sick and get sick, divorce and die.
If you would have gotten your treatment back home, it would have been free.
Uhm, it wasn't question to be honest.
I don't really know.
I I do have a good you know in Russia it works different way in Russia you.
Need to have money or no right people.
Sometimes if you don't know right people and you have money, they'll nobody can really help.
You know it's very questionable.
So you think it was better to stay here to go go through the whole process than to go home, in your opinion.
I think I think anywhere I would go with the this situation I had.
I would do exactly the same thing as I did here.
It depends on the on the spirit.
I'm grateful to nurses and doctors.
Whoever took care of me.
But I mean maybe it will sound selfish or.
Or a little bit egoistic, but I still do believe that without your right mindset, nothing will help.
Yeah, do you think you were treated fairly versus AUS citizen? Do you think you got the same treatment as a U.S. citizen?
Yes, yes, yes, definitely.
That that's, that's for sure.
Yes, I did not feel less of a of an attention and yeah.
Just basically what have you learned from this whole experience?
1st to always spread love in anything you're doing and every situation you're in.
Always do everything out of love.
Speak to people out of love.
Never forget to say how much you miss or love your family, your friends.
'cause you might not going to have a chance even though it sounds very, very cheesy and stereotypical.
But seriously, you don't really know.
Uhm, always trust your guts always, it's something.
You know, sometimes you go in somewhere and you just feel like something doesn't feel right.
Yes, always feel and trust it.
But what I've learned is just you're gonna cry a lot.
It's just.
I've cried a lot but I never lost the taste of life.
I was bold.
I did not have eyelashes, but I knew.
That life is amazing.
Don't give up, it's just the beginning.
New life is even way better than the old one.
Thank you for coming on sharing your story.
Thank you for you know.
Just giving.
Share your journey. Your story.
Thank you Nick, for inviting me.
Hopefully my broken English is not.
Not that bad.
That bad?
That bad oh it's OK.
We'll do the Russian edition next.
Thank you.
That was Yana telling her.
Her journey.
Do you have any questions you want to ask or just?
Look down below.
You'll see her Instagram writer should write back.
Just don't write anything crazy and thanks again, Yana this was fun.
Thank you, yeah, if anybody has any questions I will be happy to answer.
You got it.
Bye everybody.
Bye guys, this was can I talk now?
Yeah, see you guys next time.
Bye bye.